It's no joke being ripped off by a fraudster.
Many a time have I seen accidents on the roads and people arguing by the side of the wreckage about whos fault it was - well I say many a time - but I have seen it quite a few times over the years. More than 5 times put it that way.
Have you...
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Whats new in my driving amongs the world of no hopers?
I have a black bullet camera and I use it daily as I drive to and from work. Sofar I have caught out a few idiots going about their daily business of wrecking peoples lives (and on a lesser scale their journey to work).
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Keep upto date with our top tips - and also visit us to see the latest idiot driving videos where people have used car cameras to film bad driving instances.
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The objective of our site is to teach people that poor driving is inexcusable. With so many road traffic accidents each year causing fatalities and devastating injury - is it not time that people re-addressed their driving habits and at the very least made an effort to be polite to other car...
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This section will show posts related to videos people have produced with car cameras. When I find them on youtube or people report them to me I will post them here for discussion.
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It seems to me that people have either
a) Simply forgotten how to drive.
b) Are lazy
c) Are Selfish
Maybe they are even all of the above.
In the last 15 years or so I have noticed a marked degredation in the way people treat each other on the roads. Drivers pushing past other, patient...
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